Babylon Rehabilitation and Sports Therapy


No matter what your injury, our Babylon therapy specialist are here to serve you.
Neck and Back Pain

Every movement that we make uses our back and neck to some degree or another. Our therapists treat these injuries with customized care to ensure proper restoration of movement and elimination of pain.

Auto Accident Injuries

The forces on our body from an auto impact can be devastating. It can take days for the actual effects to present themselves. Our team knows how to treat you and what to do to keep those injuries from becoming worse.

Post-Operative Care

Recovering from an operation can be a long and painful journey. Our therapy professionals understand your situation and can create a treatment plan that will get you mobile once again.

All Sports Injuries

We realize that injuries are simply a part of most sports. The goal of our physical therapists is to treat you properly and get you back to doing what you love again as soon as possible.

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